When making an immigration application with foreign language issued personal legal documents, you'll likely need certified translation.

What’s a certified translation? At its core, a certified translation is
A translation that is issued with a Statement of Certification attesting to its accuracy and completeness that has been signed or stamped.
(A more detailed explanation will be provided as this article series is developed in future blog posts.)
A Guide bY Certified Translators
This guide, developed by expert Certified Japanese Translators based in Tokyo, Japan, with decades of experience includes the following sections:
- What is a Certified Translation
- The Role of a Translator
- How to Get Started with Certified Translation Services
- Original Copy of Official Documents
- Statement of Certification
- Statement of Certification: Signed or Stamped?
- Statement of Certification: Who is the Translator?
- Certified Translation and Notarized Translation
- Certifying Third Party Translated Documents
- Delivery of Certified Translated Documents
- Certified Translation DO’S & DON’TS
The certified translation guide above will be fleshed out with the details to ensure your application is approved no matter where submitted.
Certified Translation Gloden Rule, Or…
Can’t wait?
Then get started with this GOLDEN RULE:
Thoroughly understand the requirements at the organization level where you'll be submitting your documents.
Or, simply contact a professional Certified Japanese Translation Service